

How does cryotherapy work?

Cryotherapy is done with a cotton swab that has been immersed in liquid nitrogen or a probe through which liquid nitrogen flows.

Cryotherapy for weight loss

Cryotherapy for weight loss consists of applying intense cold to the entire body for a short period of time using a full-body cryosauna. This intense cold causes a sharp drop in body temperature.

Cryotherapy in the abdomen

Also called cryolipolysis. It serves to eliminate fat from multiple localized areas such as the cartridge belts, the abdomen, and the flanks… through the cold, freezing the adipose tissue and later causing cell death.

Ingrid Maldonado CEO soGuapa Beauty Centre Malta

Ingrid Maldonado

15+ year beauty and wellness expert. Specializing in skin treatments, post-surgery care, and chiropractic services, I offer personalized solutions. From beauty product recommendations to targeted treatments like cellulite reduction, join me on a transformative journey.


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